Sitting tall with balance

150 150 LuzLife

LuzLife is introducing in her Studio the Balance Cushion to Strengthen Core Stability and to have happy spine.

As a Spiritual Fitness Instructor, I like to introduce and share with you our very own experiences in our private  Studio here in Qatar.  For weeks I have kept a e Balance Cushion in a chair and I asked to my students use it and to give feedback.  And the results are all good news!

All was agree that the balance cushion works to improve balance, pelvic floor and core strength and  the Power House,improving the posture.  So now I am making the Balance Cushion available to selected students to continue the practice in their own home.

Just sitting on balance cushion encourages active and dynamic sitting, helping to the hip and sacroiliac joints to decrease the tension. The Balance Cushion is placed directly onto the chair in your home or office or any place that you will be seating for long hours, which means that the body has to make continuous small movements to correct balance and correct our posture and release the tension that we create in our upper back, shoulder and entire body. These movements that we use are simple and efficient to help strengthen the deep core stabilizing muscles which provide postural support to the body, breathing with freedom and our mind is more present and we can be more connected from within.

am experiencing and testing the cushion myself to demonstrate that what the advertisements say is true and yes it worksIt’s also easy to carry, and has benefits similar to the medicine ball that you may have at home or your work place or maybe in your storage…

The best way to use a stability cushion to improve core strength and posture is to simply to sit on it for short periods during the day.  It is still possible to slouch when sitting on a stability cushion so it remains important to be aware of maintaining a good sitting posture.  That way we can avoid many injuries and misalignment in our marvelous spine, joints, and our entire body will get the benefit.

Healthy sitting, healthy spine, peaceful mind!

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Luz A. Lovern



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