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When I said to myself: I am a Happy!

975 1024 LuzLife

wm3wwf0twq3rv8fpfpmnih1amvytt3sxdbhnjbm7ynmlqmmragtyeabekvqzzuijpzfifwrlv1flngts0l1rqcpapxliqfeqdphf2tecndcvsmw79j-ulei3fwd6q5iqe2016-10-22-14-36-33“We are all agree that we coming to this world to be Happy and Healthy”. by Luz A. Lovern

Happiness is here for us in order to keep our healthy body, mind and spirit. Happiness is like a flower or when somebody smile from the heart.  And we need to keep our inner eyes to nourish this happiness.

As Lao Tzu said: Being deeply loved by someone give you strength, while loving someone dimply gives you courage”.

Today for me: Happiness is the stage where I am experience; the sense of love, safe, healthy, strong and much more… that coming from my inner light.

When I am able to get closer of what I am searching for years and as a Teacher give always my best advice and how we can have better life, better health and over all better outlook of life. Challenging time for me now;  I need to embrace myself and others  at the same time; can be confuse sometimes.  I need to put all what we have learned for years in practice now!  Practice and practice lovingkindness to myself in order to irradiate and elevate my own energies.

12472607_1117986094932831_6153985451262744551_nThe Real practice is in our own day by day what exactly I am doing at this time. Moving forward and let it go… Became my own teacher and keep me sane and strong. Is not easy; to talk about my pain, my fears; what I like to talk is about my present today that became my healthy future and my own positive mind that will lead me to the safe and healthy life. My life, My work and my entire existence is shifting. Always during this period I am getting help from everybody out here. My friends, my teachers, my universal family.  I thrust in the universe and I am keep practicing my meditation and Yoga as a yogini.  Finally I am able to teach few hours here in USA.

“I am a happy human being, I am an Entrepreneur, Holistic, a business woman and over all I believe in the positive thinking. I believe and keeping my light; I am a Lotus, white lotusluzlife”.